Our Work



East Africa Welfare & Development Association


Food Package Distribution


Ewada has carried out a large scale of food package distribution to the poor families and has also implemented water tank distribution to families affected by drought particularly those live in rural areas. It has also been significant priority to teach life improving skills to humble and poor women, including sewing of many different levels, home decoration skills (netting) to facilitate earning. Ewada has performed Eye Camp operation, large community have benefited from this project.



Income generation scheme:


Ewada has supported people with poor income generation by providing livestock such as goats and sheep to generate income.





Clothes for Orphans: clothes are essential for living and Ewada has distributed clothes to the poor orphans and in need children.


Winter wormer packs.


Ewada has distributed coats, blankets during cold winter to the poor families in the rural areas.


Food Package projects:


Ewada has distributed food packages to the rural areas by using trucks and transport to get access to far destinations. "


Ramadan Iftar:


Ewada has distributed iftar during month of Ramadan.